Don’t Look Up – A Tax Hike Is Coming In Kings Mountain

Over the last month, the Kings Mountain City Council has been developing its budget for the next year.  It will be presented and discussed at the June 15th Council Meeting and voted on at their meeting on June 27th.  A key component of this budget…  A TAX HIKE. And not only a property tax hike, … Continued

The Casino: What Did KM Actually Get?

A new casino in Danville, VA opened its doors earlier this year. But in 2020, when voters approved the casino plans, Caesars presented the city of Danville with a $15 million check – and a new police station. While obviously a slightly different situation, similar local improvements have been made using gaming revenue since Harrah’s … Continued

How Kings Mountain Is Managed

Kings Mountain is organized and administered by its charter.  This charter says that our town is to be run by a Council-Manager form of government.  In this system the elected City Council oversees policy and decision making.  In turn, the City Council hires one person, the City Manager, to run the functions and administration of … Continued

No More Status Quo – Time For A Change

When we launched our petition to improve how we elect our City Council, we expected some push-back from those who have been benefitting from the status quo.  And that’s exactly what we are getting.  The problem is … this push-back is completely lacking in self-awareness and, if anything, underscores our argument  – that we need … Continued
kings mountain etj

A Crash Course On Kings Mountain’s ETJ

Regardless of where you live in Kings Mountain, you’ve probably heard folks talk about the ETJ – the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction that extends the City’s authority in certain matters to two miles outside of the City Limits.  People who live in the ETJ live under a special circumstance, where they’re subject to many of the planning … Continued